Blood Sisters tells the story of two friends Sarah (Ini Dima-Okojie) and Kemi (Nancy Isime). Sarah is engaged to her dream man, Kola (Deyemi Okanlawon.) However, their seemingly idBlood Sisters tells the story of two friends Sarah (Ini Dima-Okojie) and Kemi (Nancy Isime). Sarah is engaged to her dream man, Kola (Deyemi Okanlawon.) However, their seemingly idyllic union has a dark side.详情
卢克·威尔逊,克里斯汀·伍兹,埃里克·埃德尔斯坦,戴尔·迪奇,罗伯特·朗斯特里特,汤姆·伍德鲁夫,阿图罗·卡斯特罗,弗朗克西斯·周,吉娜·盖莱果,詹姆斯·巴伯森 ,Iyana Halley,卡塔琳娜·桑地诺·莫雷诺,史蒂夫·李特,弗雷德·迈拉麦德,山姆·理查森,Julianna Barwick,Kristina Harrison,冈冢敦子,Gianni Arone,Jimmy Ray Flynn,朱丽安·阿科斯塔,安吉·塞佩达,托尼·普拉纳,蒂姆·夏普,梅肯·布莱尔,Carl De Gregorio,玛丽